A Tapestry of Irish Legend, Biblical Prophecy, and Romantic Intrigue in Kathy Morgan’s
Celtic Magic Trilogy
Available in Ebook, Paperback and Hard cover. Get Book One in Audio!
the DEADLINE of a Primeval CURSE,
Three American Women swept into a COSMIC RACE AGAINST TIME
all come together in this STEAMY paranormal tale of a
Set in modern-day Ireland, the Celtic Magic Trilogy weaves the tale of a millennia-old curse cast against a legendary people born with magic in their blood, the Túatha de Danann. Now, with the deadline for fulfillment of the Geis rapidly approaching, the Awakening of the Beast threatens the fate of all humankind. And so, the search is on for the Woman of Promise prophesied in the ancient scrolls. The only One who can meet the impossible terms of the Geis and save the earth from cataclysmic destruction.
the DEADLINE of a Primeval CURSE,
Three American Women swept into a COSMIC RACE AGAINST TIME
all come together in this STEAMY paranormal tale of a
Set in modern-day Ireland, the Celtic Magic Trilogy weaves the tale of a millennia-old curse cast against a legendary people born with magic in their blood, the Túatha de Danann. Now, with the deadline for fulfillment of the Geis rapidly approaching, the Awakening of the Beast threatens the fate of all humankind. And so, the search is on for the Woman of Promise prophesied in the ancient scrolls. The only One who can meet the impossible terms of the Geis and save the earth from cataclysmic destruction.
Celtic Magic Trilogy Video Trailer
Dark EnchantmentRaised in the States following her mother’s mysterious death, Irish-born ARIANNA SULLIVAN grows up haunted by waking dreams of an otherworldly lover. In dreams of a medieval castle perched high on a cliff overlooking a wild and rocky coast, she watches a boy grow into a man whose glittering emerald gaze cast a spell of love on her. Although Arianna’s father has always refused to speak of their homeland, on the night he dies, he appears to her with cryptic instructions to return to her birthplace, transcending death itself to slip an old skeleton key into her hand.
When CALEB MACNAMARA stops to aid a stranded motorist, he instantly recognizes the driver from their steamy encounters in the shadowy mists of the Imaginal. Not a believer in happenstance, he wonders at the timing of their meeting now in the physical realm. Could she be the Woman prophesied to fulfill the terms of an ancient Geis soon to usher in the End of Days? The curse forbids the men of his race from mating with a mere mortal woman. The penalty for doing so? The woman’s gruesome death. So, Caleb will either control his ravening lust for the girl... or risk killing her himself. |
Dark ObessionWith a history of looking for love in all the wrong places, equestrian MICHAELA DANIELS arrives in Ireland for the Dublin Horse Show. In the city’s oldest pub, she meets a smokin’ hot Irishman... and his bonkers ex-girlfriend, a woman with lavender eyes and esoteric powers.
When stunt pilot LIAM ONEILL a member of the Túatha de Danann, bumps into Michaela at the Brazen Head pub, the fiery attraction is mutual. Pleased to discover that they share a mutual acquaintance, the wife of a fellow Council member, Caleb MacNamara, he looks forward to seeing her again—a meeting that occurs much sooner than expected. When the wee Yank is thrown from her horse during the competition, Caleb asks him to transport her in his chopper to their home in County Clare. A request that leaves Liam’s jealous, disgruntled date taking a commercial flight home. Besieged by monstrous visions, Michaela fears a traumatic brain injury. But the tone and tenor of the phantasms leave the Council of Brehons considering a far different possibility. Might the wee Yank be the Chosen One prophesied in the ancient scrolls? The Woman destined to save all of humanity from the ravages of the Beast’s Awakening. |
Dark AwakeningWith an IQ measuring off the charts, TARA PRICE is a physicist, an archeologist, a pragmatist to her core. Which makes her the very last person one might suspect of fulfilling the terms of a magical Geis. Drawn to Ireland to head an archaeological project after the death of its former director, she’s soon hearing things, seeing things that aren’t there. Scoffing at any suggestion of the supernatural, Tara cites the activity as potential evidence of her quantum multiverse theory.
A consultant to the Crannog Habitat study, MACDARA DARMODY arrives to meet its new director. A Council member of the Túatha de Danann, he quickly identifies the lovely Dr. Price as the prophesied Woman of Promise. With time running out and the fate of the world hanging precariously in the balance, will she succeed in recovering an ancient artifact, thus fulfilling the impossible quest set out in the Geis and defeating the Awakening Beast? Captivated by the mere mortal, MacDara must balance his role as her champion against the greater good. |
About the AuthorKathy Morgan
A unique voice in paranormal romance, author Kathy Morgan resided in Ireland for a number of years, where she owned a dinner theater restaurant and wrote, directed, and produced murder mysteries for her customers. Her experiences there added a rare insight and authenticity to the Irish setting and dialogue she portrays in her debut trilogy. At the age of fourteen, her first paid piece, an interview with the Rolling Stones published in a national teen magazine, set fire to her ongoing love affair with writing. Later, in her roles as founder and CEO of a children’s charity and board member of the NCMEC, she penned materials on child exploitation, while serving as an advisor both to the DOJ and the ABA. Invited to the White House on three separate occasions for ceremonial celebrations, she has appeared on the Today Show, CBS Evening News, the 700 Club, CNN, and other local and national media outlets.
Other Books By Kathy Morgan
Dream, Prophecy, & Prayer Journal52-week devotional for the Mature, Spirit-filled WOMAN OF GOD
This journal is not for the milk-fed new believer with suggested themes, daily scripture verses, and guided prompts controlling every aspect of one’s personal prayer time. Rather, it’s been designed to the support the walk of a seasoned woman of faith, one who enjoys a vibrant relationship with her Savior. This woman prays without ceasing, as she obeys the Word of God by studying to show herself approved. With scripture-focused coloring pages and ample space for journaling, the open-diary format allows the precious Holy Spirit to take the lead. During intimate times of communion with Him, He provides divine revelation in prophetic dreams, visions, and prophetic utterances, both rhema, a spoken Word from the Lord, and logos, which we receive as God speaks to us through pages of scripture
Lion of JudahDREAM, PROPHECY, & PRAYER JOURNAL 52-week devotional for the Spirit-led MAN OF GOD
Are you a man of prayer like King David, a man after God’s own heart? Do you enjoy an intimate relationship with your Savior, one in which you regularly receive revelation of an open heaven? A unique insight into the deeper things of God?
This weekly journal was carefully crafted for you, then, a committed born-again follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not crowded with suggested themes, daily scripture verses, and guided prompts necessary for a new believer, this devotional offers instead an open-diary format with ample space for journaling. |
Is The Bible Really Your Word, God?Three Weeks of Miracles the Lord Performed in Answer to my Prayer
Is the Bible a book about God? Or one authored by Him? That’s an age-old question that has intrigued Bible scholars, scribes, and other students of the scriptures throughout history. And who, one might ask, other than the Creator Himself would be qualified to answer such a question?
It was a question a new believer in Jesus was pondering on a night many years ago. And when this young woman dared to inquire of the matter to her heavenly Father, she could never have imagined the response that innocent prayer would receive, as heaven touched the earth literally in the days and weeks ahead. For the next three weeks God caught her up into a whirlwind of spiritual discovery, as He revealed Himself in waves of magnificent glory, waves that washed over her and spilled onto her friends and neighbors who stood nearby. As she began to hear the still, quiet voice of the Lord, which she jokingly called “first contact”, she cooperated with His instructions, speaking verses of scripture in obedience to His rhema Word, she witnessed miracles in her own living room. Friends with debilitating, incurable diseases, one with spina bifida, another trapped in a wheelchair for ten years with rheumatoid arthritis, were suddenly healed.. Creative miracles transpired. A new spine and tailbone were created. Knotted limbs and joints popped and relaxed before her very eyes. Other miracles manifested during that time as well, as the Creator of the Universe provided her with indisputable evidence of the eternal infallibility of His written word. |