Book Doctor
Need Help To Polish Your Manuscript?
Do you have a manuscript you would like to self-publish, or submit to a traditional publisher, but feel it still needs a bit of work to make it shine? It’s a commonly accepted fact that writers cannot adequately edit their own work. After months of writing an rewriting the same material, our eyes begin to play tricks on us, tending to make us see what should be on the page rather than what is actually there.
Well, do not despair. We, at Dreamweaver Publishing, can help you. From an entry level Critique to a Line Edit, a Developmental Edit, an extensive Copyedit to fine-tune the final draft, or a post-production proofread prior to a book’s release, we have the tools and the experienced staff to ensure that your published work has that professional touch.
Well, do not despair. We, at Dreamweaver Publishing, can help you. From an entry level Critique to a Line Edit, a Developmental Edit, an extensive Copyedit to fine-tune the final draft, or a post-production proofread prior to a book’s release, we have the tools and the experienced staff to ensure that your published work has that professional touch.
I. Manuscript Critique: ($2/pg, 50-pg min)
This is a great place to start for the writer who has just completed the first draft of a novel or non-fiction book and is looking for feedback on clarifying the storyline and direction on such items as enhancing the narrative voice, improving plot structure, or pointing out missed opportunities for character development.
What this service will do for you:
What this service will not do:
- Provide an Editorial Memo focusing on plot, character development, and pacing.
- Give you a general assessment of what is working and what is not working in your story, pointing out specific strengths and weaknesses in your manuscript.
- Address problems with character development and make suggestions on dealing with narrative voice, perspective, stilted dialogue, and point-of-view.
- Flag issues with plot, addressing structure, theme, setting, clarity, and consistency.
What this service will not do:
- Correct grammar, punctuation, misspellings, or syntax.
- Provide line editing, copyediting, or proofreading.
- Check or correct for style.
- Provide fact-checking or legal advice.
II. Comprehensive Line Edit: ($3/pg, 50-pg min)
If you are comfortable with the direction your story is taking but feel it’s time to take a deeper dive into plot structure, the direction and focus of your manuscript, then a comprehensive line edit is the next logical step in the publishing process. (Edit turnaround time averages 7 days per 100 pages)
What this service will do for you:
- Focus on language usage, identifying overused or extraneous words, and tighten dialogue.
- Identify narrative digressions and POV shifts.
What this service will not do:
- Correct grammar, punctuation, misspellings, or address problems with style.
- Provide copyediting or proofreading.
- Provide fact-checking or legal advice.
III. Copyediting: ($4/pg, 50-pg min)
A copyedit is an intense sweep of a final draft to ensure that a published piece will be the best it can be. This edit will comb a manuscript for errors on a technical level and address those flaws in grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and style, according to industry standards
What this service will do for you:
- Check all punctuation according to an accepted Style Sheet, pointing out misspellings, incorrect punctuation, grammar usage, and problems with syntax.
- Flag inconsistencies in spelling, hyphenation, roman numeral usage, fonts, and capitalization.
- Track ambiguities or factually incorrect references.
- Point out internal inconsistencies/continuity issues within the storyline itself. (Main character is 5 feet tall at the beginning of the story, 5 feet, 8 inches in subsequent chapters)
- While editors will provide a line-by-line review and specific advice on how to improve your work, they will not rewrite or revise the material for you.
- Provide fact checking or legal advice.
IV. Developmental Edit: ($4/pg, 50-pg min)
If you have a manuscript that never gets past the query letter stage, or you’re considering self-publishing, then now would be a good time to invest in a developmental edit of your book.
What this service will do for you:
- For fiction, this edit provides an in-depth Plot and Character review, with a more intense look at Pacing, Characterization, Point of View, and Dialogue. It will offer feedback on the over effectiveness of your Storyline, pointing out ways to modify Story Structure, Suspense, and Plot Mechanics to make the work more marketable.
- For Non-fiction, in addition to identifying problems with Theme and Pacing, the Author’s Voice and Writing style will be examined for success in establishing a sense of authority relative to the chosen topic.
What this service will not do:
- While an Editor will provide you with specific examples and detailed notes on how to improve your manuscript in order to get it ready for market, he or she will not rewrite or revise it for you.
- This edit will not check or correct for style or provide fact checking or legal advice.
Formatting and Minimum Length Requirements:
In order to get a feel for your work, we must have a minimum of 50 consecutive pages of your manuscript. Your document must also be formatted to meet accepted publishing standards and submitted electronically, as follows:
- 8.5 x 11 page size
- Double-spaced
- 1” margins all around
- Times New Roman, 12-point font
- Manuscript must be submitted electronically as an email attachment
PLEASE NOTE: If your submitted document does not meet the above-mentioned specifications, we will notify you so that you can resubmit it in the proper format.
How to submit my manuscript for editing:
- Email us at with the page count of your document. (Must be submitted in MS Word, New Times Roman 12 PT font), the Editing Package you have selected, and your PayPal email address for us to invoice your payment.
- After we have processed your payment, we will send you a receipt via email and request that you reply to our message with your document attached.
- The estimated timeframe for completion of your project will average 7 days per 100 pages submitted.
What to expect upon completion of my edit:
- You will receive the edit of your material in two MS Word documents, one with Track Changes that you can consider and incorporate into your manuscript, and the other with Changes Accepted, a clean document that is ready to go after your review.
- After you have applied the suggested changes to your manuscript, check back with us to see if we can help you further on your path to publication with any of our other services, such as:
V. Personal Telephone Consultation: ($100/30-minutes):
Whether you’re just beginning your journey to publication and are at a loss as to where to start, or you have completed your manuscript and feel that your baby is ready to go out and meet the world, our experienced publishing team stands ready to help with any questions you may have about how to move forward.
What this service will do for you:
- Answer your specific questions.
- Discuss in detail the pro and cons of traditional versus self publishing.
- Provide information regarding research for Agents and Publishers who may be interested in your manuscript.
- Provide step-by-step instructions on establishing a Kindle Direct Publishing account with Amazon.
- Provide information on acquiring your book’s ISBN, discussing pros and cons of free versus paid numbers.
- Make suggestions on setting up author pages on various social media outlets.
- Provide information on utilizing Kindle Unlimited for Free Days or Kindle Countdown Deals.
- Provide suggestions of marketing outlets with proven success.
What this service will not do:
- Physically set up publishing account.
- Locate agents or publishers interested in representing your book.
- Format or physically upload your completed manuscript to Amazon or any other book sellers.
- Design book covers or other materials. (For that, check out the SELF PUBLISHING section on our “About Us” page)
How to book my one-on-one telephone consultation?
- Email us at to request an appointment for your consult. and receive information on making your payment.
- Please submit a telephone number and a list of suggested dates and times for the consult that will work with your schedule. Once we confirm an appointment with you, we will request your PayPal email address, so that we can invoice you for the session.
- Seven days prior to your appointment, please email us your book summary and a list of questions you would like to cover during your consult.